The Spiritual Meaning Behind Seeing Purple With Closed Eyes

emma woods

Meditation is a powerful way to unlock spiritual insights. It lets us see colors even with our eyes closed. This is linked to the chakra system and energy flow in our body.

I’m a Emma practitioner. I’ve seen how meditation connects to color experiences. Through my practice and with clients, I’ve learned about the deep meanings of seeing colors during meditation.

The spiritual eye, or “third eye,” is key in many meditations. It’s between the eyebrows and linked to the third eye chakra’s indigo or deep purple. Focusing on it can make us see a vibrant, violet-blue light. This light shows a higher state of consciousness and spiritual awareness.

seeing colors during meditation

Other colors can show up during meditation too, each with its own meaning. The chakra system helps us understand these colors. Seeing purple and yellow auras might mean we’re connecting with the crown and third eye chakras.

Exploring meditation colors is a deep journey. It helps us understand our spiritual sides better. By accepting these visual experiences, we learn about our growth and how our body, feelings, and energy connect.

The Chakra Connection: Understanding the Meaning of Purple

chakra colors and healing

Seeing purple with closed eyes is very special. It’s linked to the chakra system. The color purple connects to the 6th (Third Eye) or 7th (Crown) chakra. These chakras help us reach higher consciousness and spiritual awakening.

The Sixth Chakra, or the Third Eye Chakra (Ajna in Sanskrit), is linked to intuition and wisdom. It’s a mix of blue and purple. The Seventh Chakra, or the Crown Chakra (Sahasrara in Sanskrit), is at the top of the head. It connects us to the spiritual world and enlightenment. This chakra’s color can be violet, purple, gold, or white.

Seeing purple, indigo, or violet during meditation means you’re connecting with the higher chakras. This shows you’re tapping into the universe’s energy. Purple means you’re getting more intuitive, clear, and spiritually connected.

ChakraColorCorresponding FrequencyAssociated Qualities
Sixth (Third Eye)Indigo/Purple710-789 HzIntuition, insight, spiritual awareness
Seventh (Crown)Violet/Purple/White790-890 HzConnection to the divine, enlightenment

Seeing Purple When Eyes Closed Spiritual

I’ve been a Reiki practitioner for many years. I see purple when I close my eyes during Reiki or meditation. This purple shows the healing power of energy.

Purple is linked to royalty and wisdom. It means leadership and a deep spiritual connection. In Feng Shui, purple brings calmness and spiritual wealth to spaces.

People who like purple are creative and spiritual. Seeing purple in meditation means you’re using energy for healing and connection.

seeing purple with closed eyes spiritual

The spiritual eye is a golden light around deep blue. It has a silvery-white star in the center. Seeing this eye means you’re growing spiritually.

This eye shows spiritual progress. It comes from hard work and divine guidance.

The Indigo Light: Exploring the Meaning of Purple Hues

When I meditate, colors appear before my eyes. The indigo light is special. It brings a deep sense of intuition and wisdom.

Indigo is linked to the Third Eye Chakra. This is where we see and understand spiritually. When I meditate, indigo means I’m in a deep, spiritual state.

This color connects me to the spiritual world. It helps me see things clearly and find my purpose.

indigo light meaning

Indigo means more than just to us. In many cultures, purple is about wisdom and creativity. The Phoenicians made a rare dye called Tyrian purple. This made purple a symbol of royalty.

Looking into indigo, I see its deep meaning. It’s about intuition, spiritual insight, and supporting equality. This color is important for many reasons, not just how it looks.

By understanding indigo, we can discover more about ourselves. It helps us see beyond the everyday world.

Violet Flame Spirituality: The Mystical Aspect of Purple

The spiritual world is full of mystery. The violet color has always drawn those looking for a deeper connection with the divine. I’m exploring violet flame spirituality, finding a world full of mystical teachings and practices that change lives.

Using the violet flame is not new. Saints and spiritual leaders from the East and West have used it for a long time. Even though “violet flame” became popular in the 1930s, its deep meaning goes back much further.

The violet light is the shortest and highest frequency in the spectrum. It can change matter at the atomic level. When we call on the violet flame, it cleanses our bodies of negative energy. This is key to personal and global change.

Violet flame spirituality includes prayers, decrees, hymns, and visualizations. These help us connect with the divine, heal our bodies, and fix emotional and physical problems. Saint Germain teaches us about the violet flame for enlightenment and healing humanity.

The crown chakra, linked to violet, connects us to the divine. The violet flame clears blocks in this area. This opens a path to divine guidance, healing, wisdom, and a closer bond with our spiritual selves.

If you’re drawn to purple’s mystique or want a spiritual change, the violet flame is an intriguing path. As I learn more, I’m amazed by its power to transform our lives.

Purple Energy and Spiritual Awakening

Colors we see in meditation show us our spiritual energy. For me, purple and gold colors are special. They show how our energy moves and changes.

Seeing purple vibration higher consciousness in meditation means we’re waking up spiritually. Purple is linked to leadership and wisdom. It shows we’re growing in intuition, creativity, and spirituality.

Colors help us understand our growth and change. Colors like red ground us, oranges spark creativity, and blue and purple connect us to the higher self. These colors guide us to know ourselves better and find spiritual joy.

The Third Eye Chakra and Purple Light Visions

The third eye chakra is also called the ajna chakra. It’s linked to purple or indigo color. This chakra sits between the eyebrows. It’s about intuition, psychic powers, and spiritual understanding.

When this chakra is balanced, it helps us see more deeply and understand spiritually.

Seeing purple during meditation might mean the third eye chakra is working well. It shows you’re connecting more with your inner self and psychic abilities. Purple light visions mean you’re using your inner wisdom and psychic senses.

Crystals like amethyst and purple sapphire help balance the third eye chakra. If it’s not balanced, you might feel confused or see things that aren’t there. But, if it’s too active, you might feel like you’re not in touch with the real world.

Purple auras are linked to the sixth or seventh chakras. These chakras are about intuition and universal energy. People with a strong purple aura are very spiritual and connected to the universe.

Seeing purple during meditation or other mindful activities means the third eye chakra is opening. This is the start of a spiritual journey. You’re using your inner gifts and connecting with higher levels of consciousness.

Purple Vibration: Attunement to Higher Frequencies

As I go deeper on my spiritual path, I see purple and golden colors often. These colors show I’m connecting with higher energies. This is what we call purple vibration higher consciousness.

The purple aura spiritual awakening makes me feel deeply connected to the divine. I get a strong intuition and understand the energy around me better. The purple energy frequency helps me grow spiritually. It makes me more aware of how everything is connected.

The golden colors might mean my Soul Star Chakra is working. This energy center helps me connect more with my soul. Seeing purple and gold together shows I’m really in tune with the spiritual world. This is the power of meditation, unlocking our spiritual secrets.

Spiritual BenefitHow it Manifests
Heightened IntuitionProfound understanding of energetic landscapes, lightning-fast access to higher information
Spiritual AwakeningSense of deep connection to the divine, increased awareness of interconnectedness
Activation of Higher ChakrasAppearance of purple and gold hues, deepening of soul’s energetic resonance

These experiences show I’m on a journey of purple vibration higher consciousness. It’s a personal and big change. As I keep exploring the purple aura spiritual awakening and purple energy frequency, I feel amazed and excited. I’m ready to see how much more I can grow spiritually.

Indigo Children and the Purple Aura Connection

Some people feel a deep link to purple and indigo energy. They are called “Indigo Children.” They come into the world with special gifts for intuition, psychic powers, and spiritual insight. Lillie might see purple during meditation, showing she might have these special gifts too.

The indigo aura is linked to the crown chakra. It’s full of intuition and ready to receive spiritual messages. People with indigo auras are very sensitive and feel others’ feelings deeply. They might take on others’ pain and joy.

Lighter indigo auras mean they’re a bit less sensitive. Darker indigo means they’re too caught up in others’ feelings.

Aura ColorSpiritual MeaningPotential Challenges
Indigo AuraHighly intuitive, empathic, open to spiritual downloadsSensitivity to people and environment, tendency to overextend in relationships
Purple AuraSensitive, intuitive, introvertedWorry, rumination, self-sacrifice, maintaining boundaries

People with purple auras love deep connections. They find it hard to deal with shallow talks and should choose jobs they love, not just for money or status.

They need to set clear boundaries to keep their energy safe. This helps them do well in life and work.

Lillie, as an “Indigo,” might see purple in her visions. This shows her deep spiritual feelings and gifts. Knowing about Indigo Children and purple auras helps us understand her journey and talents.

Purple Haze Mysticism: Exploring the Esoteric Symbolism

The color purple has deep spiritual meanings across history and cultures. It was once a royal color in ancient times. Now, it’s linked to the divine and the mysteries of the mind.

When I meditate, I see purple. This might connect me to the deep spiritual meanings of purple. It’s a color full of metaphysical symbolism.

Purple is tied to the Third Eye chakra. This is where our intuition and higher thinking happen. Seeing purple in meditation shows a deep spiritual connection.

This color connects us to the divine. It’s like a bridge between our world and the spiritual one.

The purple spirituality symbolism goes beyond just personal experiences. It’s linked to culture and history. Purple once meant royalty and was for the high class.

This purple haze mysticism shows we all have a divine part inside us. It invites us to look into our deep consciousness and the universe’s secrets.

Exploring the esoteric meaning of purple is fascinating. The purple I see in my journey shows how everything is connected. It teaches us about the power of our minds and our spirit’s potential.

Personal Accounts: Seeing Purple During Meditation Experiences

I’ve talked to many people who see purple, indigo, and other colors when they meditate or relax. They tell me it’s not just me seeing these things. It shows that many people feel connected to the subtle energies of the world.

One person told me they saw a “vibrant, pulsing purple” in a deep meditation. They said it felt calming but also made them feel more alive. Another person saw “swirling shades of indigo and gold” during a Reiki session. They felt it was a sign of a big spiritual change.

Seeing purple during meditation or other relaxing activities means you’re feeling connected to healing energy. I’ve learned that purple is linked to higher awareness, intuition, and feeling closer to the divine.

Sharing these stories makes it clear that seeing purple with closed eyes is common. It shows how our inner and outer worlds connect. It also shows how meditation can help us find ourselves and grow spiritually.

Interpreting Purple Visions: A Guide for Spiritual Seekers

I’ve looked into the deep meanings of purple in meditation and energy work. These visions show our energy and spiritual growth. They shouldn’t be the main focus.

It’s important to stay present and open to what these purple visions mean. Colors and their movements tell us about our feelings and spirit. Bright purples might mean a strong connection to the divine. Dull purples could mean we need to express ourselves more or integrate our spirit.

Learning about purple’s spiritual meaning helps us understand ourselves better. Whether it’s the Third Eye Chakra’s deep purple or the Violet Flame’s magical colors, these visions guide us. They help us find ourselves and grow spiritually.